
Joti Studio is and will be all my creative desires manifested into physical form.

Ever since I was a teenager I knew I wanted to create. At the time it was very limited to fashion design, but as the years have gone on I’ve found myself interested in many forms of creation. My father always called me a jack of all trades, and a master of none. Only later on did I fully embrace this about myself and embraced my limitless forma of creation.

Joti Studio is and will be a space for limitless creation. May it be fashion, art, photography, ceramics, whatever I find myself drawn to creating, that’s where we will go. I hope you join me on this journey, and see what else is in store for the future. For now, I am limited only because of the treatments I had to undergo and the treatments I still need to do. But once I have the clear from my doctors, the limit does not exist and I can finally create everything that I wish was out there in the world.

For now it is also an avenue to be able to support myself, and to keep supporting my creative pursuits, while also hopefully bringing some boldness and color into yours.